We can make House Calls or Hotel Visits, every day from April to October, including weekends, from 9am to 10pm, (and mostly the same schedule in other months…), for all kinds of emergencies, injuries, general medical issues, infections and children’s illnesses.
We welcome patients at our Medical Center : MEDIFUTUR, on Calle Costa de Carbonell, 59 – Lloret-de-Mar, Costa Brava, Girona, SPAIN, for any and all medical issues.
You can come to our Medical Center, or CALL us at :
The Doctor will deal with you directly by telephone when you call, and speaksENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, CATALAN, and some GERMAN. We have translators (on the phone) for RUSSIAN.
We serve the Areas ofLLORET DE MAR, BLANES, to PALAFOLLS, MALGRAT DE MAR & SANTA SUSANNA. In some cases, we can also serve Tossa de Mar, and Platja d’Aro, but only if we have time and its not too urgent, otherwise, the patient can come to our Medical Center.
If you have any questions, please do CALL.
Remember that we always provide a BILL that allows you to claim for the Money back to the patient, when they are back in their country, through their Insurance :Travel Insurance, National Health System Insurance (EU), any other Private Insurance, Credit Card, if Gold or Premier (Europ Assistance), and so on…
We also have some Agreements with some INSURANCE COMPANIES so the patient does not have pay. If you have any queries, please call beforehand…
We have all medical Skills such as Emergency medicine, General Practice, Precise Diagnosis, and a network of Specialists, and Private, or state Hospitals in case it is needed.
With extensive experience of many EMERGENCIES, in many countries, we shall always try to find the best solution to cure you as soon as possible, with less side effects, and we shall make the maximum effort to keep you in the best conditions, to continue your holidays…
With a Doctorate ( PhD) from France, we have the skill to find complicated diagnoses, we are used to handling a wide variety of medical issues including children health, infectious diseases, abdominal complaints, respiratory illnesses, traumatic injuries, heart & circulatory problems, dermatology, stress & depression etc.
We have a Network of contacts such as Specialists, Clinics and Hospitals to help in case of particularly complicated pathologies, and in case of the need for hospitalization.
Sports Medicine covers PHYSICAL PREPARATION for competition, including DIET, limits that we should give to TRAINING, and how to reach PERFORMANCE GOALS, including medical supervision of the performed exercises, depending on the sport involved.
Sports Medicine is responsible for determination of FITNESSof the sportsmen for their favorite sport (issuing FITNESS CERTIFICATES)…
Sports Medicine includes TREATMENTS in case of physical problems due to excess effort (as a sportman or other kind of effort in normal life…), emergency treatments, chronic joint problems, bones, tendons, ligaments, and by extension osteo-articular problems for non-sportsmen…
We can advise and help with REHABILITATION of patients after injury, or after a surgical intervention. By extention we can also help an older person to manage his movement ergonomics, to keep a sufficient autonomy not to enter in a vicious cycle of immobilization that leads to other complications that could become almost impossible to escape.
Mesotherapy is a technique with complex theorical bases, in relation with nervous embryological territories (metameres). The therapy uses very short needles, about 4 or 6 mms. Most of the times, are injected allopathic medications, of common medical use, and recognized substances.
The advantage of this technique, that the specialists better all along the practice, is that the medications are injected in the heart of the problem, in some places which generate circles of pain and inflammation. But we use a rate much smaller, and much less frequently, than the dosis of usual treatments.
We administer that way a dosis about 20 times smaller than any usual treatment, so the risks of secondary effects are almost nil…
The medications are chosen contingent on the pathology, and of any particular case, that evaluates the practitioner, that in terms of articulations, for example, using different mixtures, blocks the vicious circle:
Inflammation that generates Pain, that generate Contractures, which generates Wrong Position, Which generates additional Inflammation, which increases the Pain, which generates Contracture, and so on whithout interruption of the cercle…
That is why we get a big efficiency and relief, with a very small dosis, and minimum risk.
It is usefull in most articulations, joints problems :
All kind of Arthritis, Artrhrosis, Algodystrophies
– and many inflammations out of articulations, like Tendinitis, muscular Pains, Stiff Necks…and so on…